If you hold CONTROL privilege on a table, you can update values that pertain to that table, but if you hold explicit DBADM authority on the database, you can change any updatable column. 如果在某个表上拥有CONTROL权限,那么就可以更新属于该表的值,但是如果拥有数据库上显式的DBADM授权的话,那么您可以更新任何可更新的列。
Hold me and control me and then melt me slowly down, like chocolate. 抱紧我,控制我,然后慢慢将我融化,就像巧克力。
Critically, universities and business schools need to open the door to entrepreneurship rather than seeking to hold down and control the value of firms created by their staff. 关键在于,大学和商学院必须向创业敞开大门,而非试图限制和控制其员工创造的企业价值。
Moderate your alcohol intake hold your tongue; hold your temper; control your anger. 控制你的饮酒量;控制你的脾气。
Hold within limits and control. 保持在一定范围内控制。
If you have more than one file to select, hold down the control key and select all the files and then click Add. 如果你有一个以上的档案选择保有控制键,并选择所有档案,然后再按补充。
I just have to hold this ship's control system. 在我压制这艘船的系统的时候。
A Study of the Hold Control Panel for Fast Axial Flow CO_2 Laser; handle type sewing machine with cover and base 一种基于单片机的轴快流CO2激光器的手持控制面板的研制带盖及台板手动缝纫机
The "actual controller" refers to anyone who is not a shareholder but is able to hold actual control of the acts of the company by means of investment relations, agreements or any other arrangements. 实际控制人,是指虽不是公司的股东,但通过投资关系、协议或者其他安排,能够实际支配公司行为的人。
To open a "shortcuts menu," hold the control key down as you click. 要打开一个“迅捷菜单”,请在点按的同时按住control键。
Many magical traditions hold that you control a monster by speaking its name. 许多魔法习俗认为要控制一头怪兽你呼唤出它的名字就可以。
Foreign companies are not allowed to hold majority control in fund management companies. 外国企业不被允许在基金管理企业中持有大多数股份。
Select the picture or pictures and click on "get pictures." for multiple pictures, hold shift or control while selecting them. 选择照片,单击“获取照片”。如果照片多于一个,选择时,请按住shift或control键。
Many people have parents in their 80s who still hold on to control. 很多人的父母都80多岁了,还在执掌大权。
Because the quantities of gas and air must hold steady to control the stabilization of flue temperature, the pressure control loop is structured to maintain the quantities of gas and air. 同时,为了控制炉温的稳定及煤气的充分合理燃烧,必须保持煤气量和空气量的稳定,所以构成压力控制回路使煤气量和空气量稳定在设定值上。
The welding robot is hold between local autonomous control and direct manual control by shared or alternative mode to perform the welding seam tracing of remote environment. 弧焊机器人的控制权可以在局部自主控制和直接手动控制之间进行共享和交互,实现对远端非结构环境下的焊缝跟踪。结果表明,人机共享控制焊枪,实现未知环境的避障;
Get Hold of the Control Development System in Urban Design from Three Aspects 从三个层次把握城市设计对开发的控制体系
Study on Economy and Reliability of Fluid Hold Valves 'Control System 液舱阀门控制系统经济性和可靠性研究
The Relation Between Stability and the Hold in the Digital Control Systems 数字控制中的保持器与系统稳定性的关系
Capital employing labor means owners of substantial capital hold control right and residual claiming right of a enterprise. 资本雇佣劳动是指物质资本主体垄断企业控制权和剩余索取权。
In generation markets with fixed load demands, the market participants might hold monopoly control power to settlement prices. 在负荷刚性的发电侧电力市场中,市场成员(即发电商)可能拥有对价格的垄断控制能力。
Controlling shareholders can hold control rights exceed their cash flow rights in concentrated ownership structure. 股权集中的所有权结构中,控制股东持有公司较低的现金流权,却可以拥有远远超出现金流权的控制权。
Analysis on Hold Control Systems For Automatic Wrapping Machine 自动包装机同步控制系统分析
The standard significance of "Substitute management" is entrusted to hold others 'belongings, whose essence is "hold", including control actually and control legally; 代为保管的规范意义是受委托占有他人财物,本质是占有,包括事实上的支配还是法律上的支配;
The state feedback controller and the output feedback controller of Markov networked control systems with long time delay are designed. The separation principle is proved to still hold in such networked control systems. 设计了长时延Markov网络控制系统的随机状态反馈控制器和输出反馈控制器,证明了分离原理在长时延Markov网络控制系统中依然成立。
And in the third section, we examine what beliefs children hold on the control of the expression of traits. 部分(3)考察儿童对特质表达的控制性的信念。
The simulation showed that the fuzzy CMAC Neural Networks can solve the nonlinearity effect of control system model and hold the control performance very well in a great range of operating conditions. 仿真结果表明,此控制策略能较好地解决控制系统中模型非线性部分的影响,在较大的工况变化范围内保持良好的控制性能。
Local autonomy is the people hold the power that control the local place. 地方自治是以地方之力,举办地方事业。
Then, the effect of the factors such as, anti-aliasing filtering, zero-order hold and one-beat lag control during were analyzed and modeled. 对数字控制过程中相关环节,如抗混叠滤波、零阶保持以及滞后一拍对连续控制系统稳定性的影响进行了仔细分析和建模。
With the improvement of automation degree, more and more ships are equipped with the fluid hold valves 'control system, and most of them are hydraulic system. 随着自动化程度的提高,越来越多的船舶配备了液舱阀门控制系统,其中绝大多数为液压系统。